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A Never ending battle between A Corrupt Kingdom and a Fierce Rebellion
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 "Renegade!" Zesu Rikoyae

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Zesu Rikoyae

Posts : 1
Join date : 2010-01-12

"Renegade!" Zesu Rikoyae Empty
PostSubject: "Renegade!" Zesu Rikoyae   "Renegade!" Zesu Rikoyae EmptyMon Jan 18, 2010 11:49 pm

Name: Zesu Rikoyae
Age: 15
Birthplace: A poverty home in the Rebellion Nation.
Main Quote: “From the viewpoint of absolute truth, what we feel and experience in our ordinary daily life is all delusion. Of all the various delusions, the sense of discrimination between oneself and others is the worst form, as it creates nothing but unpleasant.”


There was a famous quote made by King Lord Valen:

“I know that my unity with all people cannot be destroyed by national boundaries and government orders.” (- Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy Original Quote, but you get the idea)

Another one was made during the speech of the newly crowned Lord King Vashen:

“So powerful is the light of unity that it can illuminate the whole earth.” ( Baha'u'llah Original Quote)

Those were some inspirational words that made the society of [Insert Society Name Here]. However, those words were the last ones heard in the united times. The newly crowned Lord Vashen announced this message after the unknown incident between him and the adopted youngest brother, Shiro Kazuma, who was once his royal guard.

“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague.” ( - Marcus Tullius Cicero )

The nation was completely divided into two: The Empire and The Rebellion. What does this have to do with me you ask? Heh heh, let's just say that I somehow got put into this stupid war of the two nations.


I was born after the whole incident between Lord Vashen and Shiro Kazuma along with the nation being divided into two separate colonies. My family wasn't the lucky ones in society to be born in Vash's Kingdom of [Insert Name Here]. We lived in the slums of the Rebellion nation which was categorized to the high, upper, and middle class of both nations as "Lost Cause". Anyone who were categorized in this section was stuck with being nothing more than scapegoats, slaves, exiles, and spare units for drafting reasons. Regardless of the Rebellion helping out the "Lost Cause" society into thinking that they're apart of the community to them, the society status remained in their mind and souls that they were the lowest rank of the society and isn't worthy of any of the higher status appearance nor opinion to express. Someday, we may have a revolution where we can all become one whole. Yet, until that day comes, we only live in fear, despair, sorrow, death, and tragedy. The "Lost Cause" gets treated poorly by higher status societies. They get taxed more than the amount of what the leader says, soldiers who fought in wars don't get the respect they deserved even though they win them, and raids often happen to the "Lost Cause" just for the hell of it. However, we still loved our status and try to live life to its fullest as much as possible.

We didn't have much education, materials, wealth, or entertainment, but we really didn't need any of them since we always had something creative in our mind to replace those wants and maintain our needs. Sometimes, the Rebellion soldiers and such helps our community with the following things and more to keep the society up-to-date with the crazy mad world. It was good enough for anyone in "Lost Cause" to appreciate the kindhearted.

There's really nothing special about myself besides the typical family with an older brother and sister so I won't tell about how I was raised and such. The only difference was that my father taught me more about the military and how they defend society. I had been taught how to use combat in my time of need by my father as well, but only hand-to-hand, switchblades, and a pistol for emergency reasons. That's about it for myself really. However, let me get to the point of why I'm stuck in the war fighting along with the Rebellion.

One day, at the age of twelve, there was a recruiter for the Rebellion army passing down fliers to everyone in the community. He was also giving out a speech about how the Rebellion will set free the chains of oppression and reunite everyone to break free the whole status issue. I got one of the fliers and head back home. I asked my parents about becoming a soldier for the army, but my mother was scared out of her mind once I mentioned it. My father, however, did the same thing, but also had mixed feelings for my decision. Long story short, they both said no. After the conversation, an unexpected raid came and began attacking the slums. By whom, you ask? It was a combined force of bandits and a few of the Kingdoms soldiers. Why would the Lord Vashen's soldiers be attacking alongside with the bandits? Is the whole world corrupted now? Who knows. People panicked in fear as some of the villagers began to fight off the combined forces with much force. However, the united forces succeeded with the raid and destroyed the "Lost Cause" slums. Not only that, but they also took advantage of our resources, valuables which they said it was "worthless", killed off half of the society, and violated the women. Sadly, my mother and older sister was violated by the savages. I tried to fight them, but I only got knocked out by the guards boot. I regained consciousness one hour later, hearing only my mother and sisters sorrowing tears from what they've done to them. My father was seen outside hanged on a rope in front of our home. My brother was cut into separate body parts along with the dead bodies of the innocent. The whole society was in despair and rage at the raid, but they only accepted the stereotypical facts of their rank status.

Three years has passed. I'm 15 years old living with my mother and sister as we take care of the bastard child's the soldiers scarred upon us. The raids happened constantly during the years, but luckily the Rebellion began to protect the "Lost Cause" from the raids. However, we still lose lives from the raids. I've tried to convince my mother about joining the Rebellion army, but she kept refusing it over and over. Anger and Rage only built up inside of me more and more from the denial she forced herself in. I just remained silent and went into my room. Later that night, I've begin packing up a few things to begin my journey into joining the Rebellion army regardless of my mother decision. I took one picture of my family and a few rations along with me. I also took one of my father's gauntlet glove and my brother's revolver. Sneaking out of the house and leaving the slums, I begin to head out for the Rebellion nation to become a soldier and fight for the "Lost Cause".
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"Renegade!" Zesu Rikoyae
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